A Suggested Strategy Based on Sternberg Triarchic Theroy of Intelligence in Teaching Philosophy to Develop Imaginative Thinking and Mental Motivation... |
مى مصطفى محمد يونس ا... |
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The present study aims to identify the relationship between the quality of work life and the behavior of organizational citizenship among primary scho... |
د/ منــــال فتحــــي... |
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برنامج مقترح قائم على نموذج TPACK باستخدام منصة جوجل التعليمية لتنمية كفاءات التيباك والتصور حول دمج التكنولوجيا في التدريس لدي الطالبات معلمات الرياض... |
د/ رشا هاشم عبد الحم... |
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Approaches to facing the phenomenon of cyber bullying to students of the University from the viewpoint of some education experts |
د/ سماح السيد محمد ا... |
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The discriminant function between high and low online academic engagement based on the dimensions of Corona pandemic defeatism (COVID-19) as predictor... |
Dr\ Abd-Alaziz Moham... |
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التمكين الإداري في المؤسسات التعليمية في عُمان |
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A Program Based on Interactive Chatbots and Egyptian Knowledge Bank Surfing to Develop Some Educational Research Skills and Academic Self-Efficacy of... |
Dr. Abdel Nasser Moh... |
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The effectiveness of a proposed teaching model based on social constructivist theory to teach social studies in developing the values of tolerance and... |
د/ عبد الحميد صبري ع... |
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تَصَوُّر مُقْترَح لتطويرِ دَورِ قَادةِ مدارسِ التَّعليمِ العام لتفعيل مفهومِ المدرسةِ الـمُنتِجة وفقَ رُؤيةِ المملكةِ العربيَّةِ السعوديَّةِ 2030م |
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فاعلية بيئة تعلم شخصية في تنمية مهارات صيانة الحاسب الآلي لدى طلاب تكنولوجيا التعليم |
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Improving the Quality of Professional Life For Faculty Members at Menofia University Using Empowerment Approach |
د/ أسماء فتحي السيد... |
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Enas Abdelaziz Attia... |
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Using Digital Reading Strategies for Developing EFL Reading Comprehension Skills among Faculty of Education Students |
Shimaa Kamal Abd El-... |
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Promoting Self-Efficacy Beliefs among Faculty of Education EFL Student Teachers through Problem Based Learning |
Mohamed A. Aboulfoto... |
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Using Educational Broadcasting in Improving EFL Preparatory School Students’ Oral Reading Fluency Skills and their Attitudes towards Learning English... |
Shaimaa Galal El Say... |
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