Current Issue (121 ج 1) [ -2020], volume 31

Title author paper
A Suggested Strategy Based on Sternberg Triarchic Theroy of Intelligence in Teaching Philosophy to Develop Imaginative Thinking and Mental Motivation... مى مصطفى محمد يونس ا... download
The present study aims to identify the relationship between the quality of work life and the behavior of organizational citizenship among primary scho... د/ منــــال فتحــــي... download
برنامج مقترح قائم على نموذج TPACK باستخدام منصة جوجل التعليمية لتنمية كفاءات التيباك والتصور حول دمج التكنولوجيا في التدريس لدي الطالبات معلمات الرياض... د/ رشا هاشم عبد الحم... download
Approaches to facing the phenomenon of cyber bullying to students of the University from the viewpoint of some education experts د/ سماح السيد محمد ا... download
The discriminant function between high and low online academic engagement based on the dimensions of Corona pandemic defeatism (COVID-19) as predictor... Dr\ Abd-Alaziz Moham... download
التمكين الإداري في المؤسسات التعليمية في عُمان download
A Program Based on Interactive Chatbots and Egyptian Knowledge Bank Surfing to Develop Some Educational Research Skills and Academic Self-Efficacy of... Dr. Abdel Nasser Moh... download
The effectiveness of a proposed teaching model based on social constructivist theory to teach social studies in developing the values of tolerance and... د/ عبد الحميد صبري ع... download
تَصَوُّر مُقْترَح لتطويرِ دَورِ قَادةِ مدارسِ التَّعليمِ العام لتفعيل مفهومِ المدرسةِ الـمُنتِجة وفقَ رُؤيةِ المملكةِ العربيَّةِ السعوديَّةِ 2030م download
فاعلية بيئة تعلم شخصية في تنمية مهارات صيانة الحاسب الآلي لدى طلاب تكنولوجيا التعليم download
Improving the Quality of Professional Life For Faculty Members at Menofia University Using Empowerment Approach د/ أسماء فتحي السيد... download
Using Digital Reading Strategies for Developing EFL Reading Comprehension Skills among Faculty of Education Students Shimaa Kamal Abd El-... download
Promoting Self-Efficacy Beliefs among Faculty of Education EFL Student Teachers through Problem Based Learning Mohamed A. Aboulfoto... download
Using Educational Broadcasting in Improving EFL Preparatory School Students’ Oral Reading Fluency Skills and their Attitudes towards Learning English... Shaimaa Galal El Say... download